WIOA is designed to create a system of comprehensive services to help participants/customers advance on a career pathway, regardless of the partner program in which they originally enrolled.
The Massachusetts WIOA State Partners have agreed that customers who are eligible for and receive services from more than one WIOA Partner program are considered shared customers. Shared customers benefit from services and resources delivered across multiple WIOA Partner programs and other stakeholders that are aligned to meet an individual’s needs.
WIOA requires core partners to align, connect, and integrate services by sharing resources and jointly designing services in ways that improve outcomes for shared customers (e.g., youth, adults, job seekers, and businesses) and prioritize serving individuals with barriers to employment (e.g., undereducated and limited English proficient adults).
Our WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) program partners include:
- Massachusetts Department of Career Services, including Title I Adult and Dislocated Workers, Wagner-Peyser, Trade Adjustment Assistance and Jobs for Veterans State Grants
- The WIOA Youth Program
- The Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance Adult Learning and Literacy Programs: (The list will be revised to reflect the recent award of grants to adult learning centers, including Middlesex Community College.)
- Framingham Adult ESL Plus
- Hudson-Maynard Adult Learning Center
- Middlesex Sheriff’s Department Adult Basic Education
- Norfolk House of Corrections
- MassAbility, Framingham Area Office
- Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, Metro West Regional Office
- Department of Transitional Assistance
- Transitional Assistance Office, Framingham, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Regional Office and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- Senior Community Service Employment Program, Operation A.B.L.E. and Executive Office of Elder Affairs
- The Massachusetts Department of Corrections